Politica de confidențialitate

Politica de Confidențialitate

Angajamentul nostru față de confidențialitatea dvs.

SANA-STORE.RO respectă Autoritatea Europeană pentru Protecția Datelor și se angajează să respecte dreptul dvs. la confidențialitate și dreptul dvs. de a controla exactitatea informațiilor dvs. personale. Politica noastră de confidențialitate este în conformitate cu Directiva 95/46, Directiva 2 002/58 și Regulamentul 45/2001.

Ne angajăm să vă protejăm confidențialitatea în toate relațiile dvs. cu noi: când ne contactați, vizitați site-urile noastre web, răspundeți la unul dintre sondajele sau promoțiile noastre, vă abonați la una dintre revistele noastre sau la site-urile noastre web, cumpărați ceva de la noi sau împărtășiți experiențe cu noi.
Colectăm doar informații personale care sunt necesare pentru sau direct legate de funcțiile și activitățile Companiei/Asociației - de exemplu, pentru a furniza sfaturile, bunurile sau serviciile pe care le-ați solicitat sau pentru a comunica oferte promoționale.
Vă protejăm datele prin criptare, firewall-uri și construirea de sisteme de securitate.
Nu împărtășim niciodată informații despre dvs. cu nicio altă organizație dincolo de ceea ce este necesar pentru livrarea bunurilor sau serviciilor pe care ni le-ați solicitat.
Sunteți binevenit să examinați informațiile pe care le deținem despre dvs.
Aveți dreptul de a renunța la mesajele promoționale adresate individual.
Ne ocupăm prompt de reclamațiile privind încălcările confidențialității.
Această politică acoperă informațiile care vă identifică ca persoană fizică. De asemenea, acoperă informații din care identitatea dvs. este evidentă sau ar putea fi stabilită în mod rezonabil (de exemplu, prin potrivirea diferitelor seturi de date deținute de SANA-STORE.RO).

Informații pe care le colectăm

Colectăm informații personale despre dvs. dacă sunt necesare pentru a vă furniza ceea ce solicitați sau pentru a vă oferi accesul de care aveți nevoie - de exemplu:

  • Cumpărați un dispozitiv sau alt articol de la noi;
  • Abonați la site-urile noastre web, catalog sau buletine informative prin e-mail;
  • Solicitați sfaturi în legătură cu o problemă a consumatorului;
  • Răspundeți la una dintre ofertele noastre promoționale;
  • Împărtășiți experiența dumneavoastră cu privire la un produs sau serviciu;
  • Necesare pentru cerințele de cercetare, planificare, dezvoltare de produse și marketing ale SANA-STORE.RO - de exemplu, pentru a comunica oferte promoționale;
  • Necesare pentru a proteja drepturile sau proprietatea SANA-STORE.RO, a oricărei publicații SANA-STORE.RO, a oricărui abonat SANA-STORE.RO sau a oricărui membru al publicului;
  • Necesare pentru a reduce o amenințare gravă la adresa sănătății sau siguranței unei persoane;
  • Cerute de lege;
  • Vom colecta informații numai prin mijloace legale și corecte și vom lua măsuri pentru a ne asigura că informațiile pe care le colectăm nu afectează în mod nejustificat afacerile și datele personale.

Când vă cerem informații, vă vom spune:

  • Cine suntem și cum să ne contactați;
  • De ce informații avem nevoie și de ce le colectăm;
  • Puteți obține acces la informațiile personale pe care ni le dați dacă doriți să le verificați sau să le modificați;
  • Orice lege care ne impune să le colectăm; și
  • Principalele consecințe (dacă există) dacă informațiile nu sunt furnizate integral sau parțial;
  • De obicei, vom colecta informații personale direct de la dvs.

Informații sensibile
Informațiile sensibile sunt informații care identifică originea rasială sau etnică a unui individ, opiniile politice, apartenența la o asociație politică, credințele sau afilierile religioase, credințele filosofice, apartenența la o asociație profesională sau comercială, apartenența la un sindicat, preferințele sau practicile sexuale, cazier judiciar sau informații despre sănătate.

SANA-STORE.RO nu colectează informații sensibile despre dvs., cu excepția cazului în care alegeți în mod special să ni le oferiți voluntar, de exemplu într-o scrisoare către noi despre experiențele sau preocupările dvs.

Când colectăm informații pentru subiecte de cercetare, cum ar fi experiențele medicale ale oamenilor, informațiile sunt colectate de obicei în mod anonim și sunt utilizate întotdeauna numai în ansamblu, de exemplu pentru a face lobby guvernului pentru servicii mai bune, cu excepția cazului în care vă dați consimțământul pentru a fi identificat. Puteți oricând să renunțați la furnizarea acestui tip de informații.

Wherever it is lawful and practicable we will give you the option of not identifying yourself when contacting or dealing with SANA-STORE.RO. So, for example, you can visit the free parts of our websites, respond to surveys, or ask us questions about consumer rights without identifying yourself. However, if you want to receive one of SANA-STORE.RO’s subscription products or services, ask a question about the personal information we hold about you, buy a device directly from us, or participate in one of our prize draws you will need to give us certain personal information.
Information you may choose to provide

If you take part in an online, mail or phone survey the information we collect is usually anonymous and is only used in aggregated form unless we specifically tell you otherwise at the time we collect it. You may always choose not to participate. All information gathered in this way is kept strictly confidential.
We may also collect general demographic data so we can check aggregated results against ABS statistics to ensure they’re representative, but the identification is no more specific than your postcode and is never used on an individual basis.\\

Where you give us information about your experiences with products or services this may be interesting to others when we publish articles on those topics. If we wish to use your experience and you’ve provided it to us in a private communication (letter, fax, email, phone call, survey) we will always ask your permission before we publish it. You always have the right to refuse or to request anonymity.
How your personal information is used and disclosed

We will not use or disclose or permit the use or disclosure of personal information that could be used to identify an individual except in the following circumstances:

When you purchase something from us or respond to one of our promotions we will use the information you provide to deliver any information, goods and/or services you have requested. For example, if you subscribe to SANA-STORE.RO catalogue, we will send you your catalogue and renewal notices.
For customers we may also:

  • Ask you for your email address so we can send you our e-newsletters — you can always opt out of these
  • Tell you about related products or services that SANA-STORE.RO provides. For example we may send you our new catalogue.
  • Invite you to participate in research to improve SANA-STORE.RO products and services, for example, telephone you to ask about your interest in the latest issue of a magazine you subscribe to.
  • Invite you to participate in surveys about consumer products or services, for example, send you a survey about your experiences with your bank.
  • Invite you to participate in our Home Tester or similar involvement programs.
  • We may use information about you that was collected by another organisation to send you promotional offers on SANA-STORE.RO products or services. In this case we will take all reasonable steps to make sure you gave informed consent for the information to be used in this way and we will give you the option not to receive further contact from SANA-STORE.RO.

We will from time to time use the information we hold about you to send you promotional offers either individually addressed or promoted within existing products. These offers are to do with other SANA-STORE.RO publications and services. We will always give you the option not to receive any further individually addressed promotional contact from SANA-STORE.RO.

Where personal information you give us is disclosed to an agent of SANA-STORE.RO (for example to data processing, data analysis, printing, or mailing contractors) it will only be disclosed to the extent necessary to enable them to undertake the specific task we’ve contracted them to do and we will require them to operate under conditions of confidentiality, which will be specified as a term of the contract between SANA-STORE.RO and the agent. Such an agent will be required to return all original records to SANA-STORE.RO, return or securely destroy any copied records and ensure that its employees are familiar with their obligations of privacy and confidentiality. Personal information collected by SANA-STORE.RO will not be given, sold or rented for use by any other organisation or for any other purpose. SANA-STORE.RO does not transfer personal information about individuals to anyone else or any other organisation in a foreign country.

Calitatea și securitatea informațiilor personale
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure the personal information we hold about you is relevant, not excessive, accurate, complete and up-to-date. Each time we contact you we will give you an opportunity to correct or update details. You may also contact us at any time during business hours if you wish to check or change your personal information.

Our customer records are protected by a range of security measures: encryption, firewalls and/or computer network security systems, restricted access and building security systems. Personal information about former customers is retained for a period of time after the customer relationship ceases as required by law — for example, financial records must be kept for 7 years — and as part of SANA-STORE.RO’s intellectual property base. During this time we may contact you to tell you about SANA-STORE.RO products or services or to ask you why you left SANA-STORE.RO. You can request not to receive further contact from us either by indicating so on the material we send you or by contacting us directly .

Cum să renunțați
If you do not wish to receive further promotional material from SANA-STORE.RO you can

  • Call us on 0040 752 150 915
  • Email us at ro@sanaproducts.eu
  • You will need to give sufficient information for us to identify you, for example, your name and address.
  • Access: How to check or correct your personal information

If you are a subscriber or other customer of SANA-STORE.RO you may request access to your personal information on the SANA-STORE.RO database. We encourage you to contact us if you have any concerns about the personal information we hold about you.
To see what personal information we hold on you, please write to us requesting access to it:

Write to us at Privacy Officer, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Strada Mircea Eliade, nr. 20, Județul Vâlcea
Please include the following details so that we can identify you: your full name and address as they appear in our records, your daytime phone number and email address (if applicable), details of your subscriptions and your subscriber number (if you know it) and/or of your recent purchases from us. Because email is relatively insecure, we ask that you put this information in a letter or fax rather than in an email.

We will send you the personal information we hold about you within ten working days of receiving your request in writing. We will then work with you to alter or update any information that we both agree was inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date within a further five working days. In the unlikely event that we disagree with you about the changes you want made, we will explain why and, if you wish, add a note to your records stating that you claim the information is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date. There is no charge for this service.

Cum să vă actualizați datele
To simply update your details you can

  • Call us on 0040 752 150 915, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm MET weekdays
  • Email us at ro@sanaproducts.eu
  • You will need to give us sufficient information so that we can identify you — for example your name, address and phone number plus your subscriber number in the case of a subscription to SANA-STORE.RO catalogue or your email address and ‘clue question’ answer in the case of a subscription to SANA-STORE.RO.

Modificări ale acestei politici de confidențialitate
If our privacy policy changes, we will draw your attention to our new policy through the publications or services you subscribe to or buy or through our websites.

We are committed to dealing quickly and appropriately with any complaint you make about your privacy in relation to SANA-STORE.RO’s publications, services or practices, or any SANA-STORE.RO joint partner. If you are concerned that this privacy policy may have been breached or that your privacy may have been compromised please contact us in writing immediately, setting out your concerns.

Write to us at SANA-STORE.RO, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Strada Mircea Eliade, nr. 20, Județul Vâlcea
Please do not contact us by email to make a specific complaint, as it is relatively insecure.
Please include a daytime telephone number where we can contact you. We will get back to you within one working day of receiving your complaint and will work with you to resolve your problem to your satisfaction within few working days.

Informații pe care le colectăm online
We do not include on our site any functionality allowing third parties to perform ‘reverse searches’ to identify individuals from email addresses.

We do collect information on site usage. This information is aggregated so we can track and analyse overall use of SANA-STORE.RO to help us improve the site to give you the information, service and features you want. In addition, the number of times you access the site in a given period may be checked as part of our site usage monitoring. This information is kept strictly confidential, available only to selected senior SANA-STORE.RO staff, and may be used to query what we determine is unusually heavy use of the site.
Your name and address and login email and password are stored on our server so that you can have access and so that you can change your details online. When you first join or register these details are sent to us in non-encrypted email.

When you first register on this site and if you use our 'Forgotten your password' facility, we will email your password to you. We provide this service largely as a result of customer demand, especially for out of hours use (our office is only staffed 9am - 4pm Mon - Fri). While email can be insecure we consider this action is low-risk: it's highly unlikely anyone will 'steal' your password provided your email address is secure, and the worst that could happen is that someone could access your ID and change your password. They can't access your credit card details online even with your ID and password, and they can't incur any costs for you. If someone did manage to change your password and so lock you out, you can ring us up and identify yourself with your 'clue question' and we will reset your password.

În prezent, nu colectăm informații personale despre dvs. de pe alte site-uri.

Vă putem contacta
If you are a customer we may contact you to advise you of changes to our services or other important information. When you join SANA-STORE.RO you will receive our e-newsletter with updates and news about SANA-STORE.RO activities and other SANA-STORE.RO products. You may opt out at any time. Every email we send you will have information on how to do this.

Nu facem spam
We don't spam and we never pass email addresses to third parties except where they act as agents for us and the information is required to deliver the goods or services you have requested from us.

We use cookies in the following ways:

We offer you the convenience of accepting a permanent cookie when you become a member or supporter of SANA-STORE.RO by ticking the Remember Me checkbox. This will ensure you are greeted appropriately whenever you visit the SANA-STORE.RO site and are permanently logged in so that you may browse the site unimpeded whenever you visit. You can decline this cookie if you wish, or turn it off after you've accepted it, by clicking Logout in the Welcome box on the right hand side of every page.
We use a temporary cookie when you first become a member or supporter of SANA-STORE.RO, or during any session in which you change any of your membership information, as a convenience to you so you can avoid having to enter your username and password on every screen. This cookie disappears when you exit your browser.
If you decline the Remember Me cookie, a temporary cookie will be used once during each visit to our site, if you are a site member or supporter, as a convenience to you, so you can avoid having to enter your username and password every time you access your account. This cookie disappears when you exit your browser.
We use a temporary cookie when you visit our shop, to track your purchases — eg, the juicer you buy or other pages you request. This cookie expires after 24 hours.
You must accept the temporary cookies in order to gain access to the account area on the site or to make a purchase from the shop. Note: If your browser is set to notify you when you receive a cookie, you'll be prompted to accept the cookie (Yes/No). Please select "Yes".

Avertizare: To keep your personal details secure if you're using a public computer, always Logout of the site after use or decline the Remember Me option.

Consimțământul dumneavoastră
By using this site you consent to the collection and use of this information by SANA-STORE.RO.

Schimbarea informațiilor dvs. personale online
Members may alter their details at any time at your SANA-STORE.RO account.

If you need to change your credit card details, please phone or write — do not use email as it is relatively insecure.
You will need to identify yourself by giving us your full name, your address, your email address and the answer to your Clue question.
If you wish to review your file, we will mail the information in it to you within few working days of receiving your request.
If there are items you want corrected or deleted we will do so within five working days of receiving your request to do so unless we need to contact you to clarify details.
If your email address changes you can update this information in your SANA-STORE.RO account.

Securitatea informațiilor dvs. online
SANA-STORE.RO will take all reasonable steps to ensure the personal information we have relating to you is correct and up-to-date.
Your credit-card number is protected by encryption and firewalls, so it cannot be read as it is transmitted over the Internet. The encrypted data is transmitted using a secure 128-bit socket layer (SSL) connection (a Netscape browser standard, adopted by Microsoft for their Internet Explorer and by some other browsers).
Look for one or more of these ‘secure connection’ indicators on your browser:

A security alert window tells you that you are about to use a secure connection. Some browsers let you choose whether to display this window.
An SSL icon shows when you're in a secure connection.
A symbol of an open padlock changes to a closed padlock when you're in a secure connection.
A symbol of a ‘broken key’ icon is replaced by an unbroken key.
A blue line runs across the top of the content window.
The web site's address changes to one that begins with ‘https’ (check for the ‘s’).
Security of access
Security checkpoints are set up as part of your subscription process. You are asked to establish a password and create a security check question (your "Clue question") that only you can answer.

If you do forget it, click on ‘Forgotten your password’ on the member login page. You can also email us at ro@sanaproducts.eu. You will need to identify yourself by giving us your full name, your address, your email address and the answer to your Clue question.

When you log in, you'll be asked to enter your password to protect the security of your subscription to SANA-STORE.RO. If you want to change your password or other subscriber information, you can do so by clicking My Profile in the Welcome box on the right hand side of every page (you need to be logged in for this option to appear). Please also contact us as above so we can update your details on our membership system. You'll be asked to answer your Clue question.

Please notify us immediately if you think there has been any unauthorised use of your password or account, by emailing us at ro@sanaproducts.eu.